Beauty Tips and Hacks: Achieve Radiant and Healthy Skin Naturally

1. Moisturize your skin: This is the most basic method you can use at home. You can apply our skin whitening or anti-aging creams to get a soft and shining face.

2. Drink Enough Water: To achieve hydrated and radiant skin, drink at least 2 litres of water per day. Drinking plenty of water will help you improve your overall skin appearance.

3. Get Enough Sleep: According to research, getting enough sleep can moisturise your skin and increase your overall body energy. Whenever you sleep, your body boosts your blood flow to the skin, and when you wake up, you get a glowing skin.

4. Use Face Serums: Face serums are not skin whitening creams or other skin care products, but they do boost collagen in your skin, keeping it soft and healthy and reducing the maturation effect. You just need to apply face serum to your face in small tapping motions with your fingertips or palms smoothly. You can find an amazing collection of face serums in our store, Craggy Cosmetics.

Below are some of the natural skin-whitening sources that you should try at home.


Lemon Juice



Orange Peel

Coconut water